Using HubPages to make money from Google AdSense

It had been a very long time I didn’t visit Amy Bass web page My Debt Free Goal. It’s with her I discover HubPages. HubPages had excited for a while now, but I haven’t ever heard about it… Why? LOL

See, HubPages is very fun to use. HubPages is not like Associated Content: your article doesn’t need to wait for approval before getting publishes on the Web. Which mean that as soon as you feel that your article is ready, you can actually publish it within a matter of seconds. HubPages is perfect for me! It’s easy to set-up an account, very user-friendly and, watch out: It’s allow you to register your very own Google AdSense account, Ebay and other if you are register with any pay-per-link program. So far, I am only register with Google Adsense, but I plan to register to other program that HubPages propose to use to make money.

Yesterday, I wrote and publish my first article on HubPages! And check it out, I just did a seach in Google with the following sentence: a taste of recession in my mouth. The sentence belongs to my first article I publish on HuPages. I find my article as 6th result on Google! Awesome! Never any of the articles I publish on my blogs got, I believe so well ranked. I haven’t been too much active on my different blogs so far, other than My First 50 000$. This is an exciting time for me as I am currently very close to reach my first 50 000$ value in investment.

I am currently out of weekend job. It’s giving me the chance to blog and to do whatever I want!

And how about a 200 HubPages challenge?


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